Question Answered step-by-step Why doesn’t gastric juice destroy the stomach cells from the… Why doesn’t gastric juice destroy the stomach cells from the inside? The answer is that the ingredients of gastric juice are kept inactive until they are released into the lumen (cavity) of the stomach. The components of gastric juice are produced by cells in the gastric glands of the stomach (Figure 41.10). Parietal cells secrete hydrogen and chloride ions. Using an ATP-driven pump, the parietal cells expel hydrogen ions into the lumen. The movement of hydrogen ions out of the parietal cell draws chloride out of the cell through specific membrane channels. Though they arrive in the lumen by different routes, the secretion of hydrogen and chloride ions is chemically equivalent to secreting hydrochloric acid (HCl). Meanwhile, chief cells release pepsin into the lumen in an inactive form called pepsinogen. When exposed to the low pH of the stomach, pepsinogen unfolds and activates itself into pepsin by clipping off a small portion of the molecule, which exposes its active site. Through these processes, both HCl and pepsin form in the lumen of the stomach, not within the cells of the gastric glands. (Reece et al. 2018, p. 953) Based upon this passage, what are the parts of this system relevant to the function being explained? (Hint, there should be 10 items, listed in order of level of biological organization. An example to get you started: one part of the system—not the first—is a hydrogen-ion pump) Once listed, What do each of the parts do, and how do they interact with each other? Biology Science Physiology BIO 250 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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