Question Answered step-by-step Please write about 4-6 thoughtful sentences on each question… Please write about 4-6 thoughtful sentences on each question 1.Based on James Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development: what do you think your current stage of faith development is? How would you describe your religious beliefs? Does it include a belief in God? if so, describe your concept of God.2.Based on Joseph Campbell’s myths analysis ( please see the assigned text in Lm2) explain the significance of rituals, symbols and myths in religion. Do we need mythology, metaphors and symbols in our modern life? Why? Why all stories in holy books are written in metaphorical language? Please provide references to the assigned text.3. Why do we need organized religions – is it not enough to be a good person? What would be Emile Durkheim’s response to this question? What is your answer? Arts & Humanities Religious Studies TECHNOLOGY GHUM 1052 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)
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