Question Write a 1-2 page essay (double space) on the process of passing… Write a 1-2 page essay (double space) on the process of passing health reform, based on the ACA, or Obamacare, remains a highly controversial policy, and many opinions have been expressed about it. I don’t want you to like it or hate it. I just want you to analyze what you have read in your textbook and saw and read on with some degree of objectivity and critical thought. You can refer to my earlier statements on netiquette and political politeness on that matter.Approach this assignment with the following questions in mind:How well does the video match up with the textbook and the authors’ description of the legislative process. Be sure to cite specifics from the textbook. Does the textbook make the process look more or less confusing or difficult than the video? Explain in your essay.What are the most surprising aspects of the ACA as covered in the video?What might have been done differently?Essay Formatting RequirementsEssay Length: Your paper should be 1-2 double-spaced pages with size 11-12 font, one inch margins, and saved to a Microsoft Word document.   Social Science Political Science PLS 135 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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