Question Answered step-by-step 1. Thinking back to last week’s question about the first… 1. Thinking back to last week’s question about the first claimsmakers calling attention to the troubling condition of COVID-19, would you classify them as insider or outsider claimsmakers? For those first claimsmakers, what type of resources (power, status, contacts, education, money) did they have? Did those resources help make their claim be known? Did those resources help the claimsmakers reach the media, public, policymakers? Why or why not?Last Weeks Question: We know that models are only as good as the data we input. Using our contemporary Covid-19 crisis, let’s begin to test the model. Thinking back to the social problems process model from lecture 2, please research some of the first claimsmakers calling attention to the troubling condition of Covid-19 (these can be claimsmakers operating in the domestic or international arena). Who are/were they? When (date) and how (medium) did they begin sounding the alarm? What did they say? How did they make the claim about this troubling condition? What were the credentials of these claimsmakers? What was the initial reaction to this information? (by politicians, media sources, the public)? 2. Recall the diagram linking outsider claimsmakers to the media, public, and policymakers. Using an example of a recent protest or movement you know about (in any city, state, or country), identify the: 1) troubling condition and claimsmakers, 2) the resources that claimsmakers had, 3) their tactics for reaching the media, public, and/or policymakers. Were these tactics effective? Effectiveness with regard to media attention, public empathy/sympathy, and/or policy change. Why or why not? Social Science Sociology Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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