Question I am asking you to briefly skim/read the first few paragraphs of… I am asking you to briefly skim/read the first few paragraphs of this “newspaper” (can we accurately even call it that?!) from 1682. Now, when you first look at it, you are probably going to be like: “What is this even saying? (In addition, the letter “s” looks like a weird “f” back then.)  So, this document is the topic of the unit’s discussion:What inferences (or guesses about the past) can you make about England in the 1680s just by briefly reading or even just skimming this document over? Please write your thoughts and be imaginative — and remember there is no right or wrong answers!Image transcription textthe Aga of the Janizaries was to March with the Damtrick. March 9. Avant-Guard of the Army on the 2,th ofthis He Letters from Warfaw tell us, That | Month, and that the Grand Signior would follow a- the Emperor’sAmballador had made | bout eight daysafter, and that a Houfe was Build- a very good Progrefs… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textpublick Security, ought not to be takeninto con- J from England, where he hadrefided force time on dera… Show more… Show more History US History HIST 101 Share QuestionEmailCopy link Comments (0)

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