Purpose: To write a three-to-five-page rhetorical analysis; to develop the analysis using the pattern for this genre; and to follow the rules of academic rhetoric and Standard American English.
General Instructions:
? Format: MLA format. Use the same formatting that you did in the first paper. Heading at the top left-hand side of page 1, 1 inch margins all around, double-spacing between lines, and indentation at the beginning of new paragraphs. All papers must conform to MLA guidelines, including headers and page numbers.
? Length: At least three full typed pages, double spaced, with one-inch margins. Papers under the minimum length will receive an automatic maximum grade of 50.
? Create an interesting title.
? Provide a thorough rhetorical analysis of a short story.
? You will need to identify the title of the short story in your paper. Please use the correct punctuation practices for titles of short stories.
? Since this is a formal analysis, you may not use first person point of view. Use third person pronouns (he, she, they, it) or indefinite pronouns (one, everyone, someone).
? In formal writing of such papers, use simple, present tense verbs. This practice is known as being in the ?literary present?.
Specific Instructions:
? Thoroughly read Chapters 8, 9,21, 22, 25, 26, and 27in the Writing Today textbook before you attempt this assignment.
? You will need to incorporate quotations and paraphrasing from the short story that you choose to make your points.
? Follow one of the organization strategies (found on page 137) for your rhetorical analysis.
? Remember, you are not summarizing the short story for your audience. Instead, you are analyzing how the short story is constructed andtherhetorical elements that the short story makes and how the short story is for audience. You will need to pay special attention to how the writer uses appeals to logic, emotional appeals, and appeals to authority and credibility, background information about the historical context of the short story, the short story, and the audience the short story is written for.
? You should not have any outside sources other than the short story that is being analyzed.
Topic ProposalWednesday, October 11th, by 8:00 a.m.
Rough DraftWednesday, October 18th, by 8:00 a.m.
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