Your essay should be 3-5 pages long, with a clear thesis statement, and a works cited page.


  • Follow MLA style guidelines from your first paper
  • You may choose to compare/contrast from the following prompts
    • Bartleby and Marx
    • Capitalism vs. Communism
    • Capitalism vs. Socialism
    • Work life vs. Home life
  • Include at least three sources. For Bartleby and Marx, they count as two, you will need to find one external source.
  • Include a Works Cited Page
  • the thesis is?Marx theory of alienation drives from the economic capitalist system of private
    ownership, Bartleby can be used as an example of the alienation that is experienced by
    workers who also have to develop in similar environments. ? here is the suggest from my teacher”Great! But this can be two sentences.” please help me to improve it.
  • here is the pdf of the Bartleby and Marx, and some home work that I did before, I want it will help you.

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