- Critique a variety of generic strategies that can be used to achieve organizational goals and objectives
- Assess a company?s corporate culture and how it might affect a proposed strategy
Prompt: Review this article on Corporate Social Responsibility: Freeman, R.E. & J. Liedtke (1991) Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach. Business Horizons. Jul/Aug91, Vol. 34 Issue 4, retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/logi…
- It is tempting to praise the benefits of CSR. After-all, who wouldn?t want to help the community or environment? However, what is the primary purpose of a for-profit corporation?
- Using the concepts learned in the required readings, discuss whether a company should attempt to solve the world?s problems, while at the same time working towards a profit for the shareholders.
Post must be a minimum of 250 words
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