Anthropology Exam Consists of 50 multiple choice questions

  1. Express the ways in which human groups have been interconnected for thousands of years. Determine what distinguishes “the modern world system,” how it originated, and its constituent parts, particularly with Wallerstein’s theory in mind.
  2. Discuss the causes of the Industrial Revolution. Explain how and why the Industrial Revolution began in England and not France.
  3. Describe how industrialization led to social stratification in Western Europe. Be familiar with how Karl Marx and Max Weber differed in their analysis of stratification systems associated with industrialization, as well as what features of the contemporary world system complicate their analyses.
  4. Describe the difference between colonialism and imperialism.
  5. Compare and contrast French and British colonialism.
  6. Discuss how colonialism affected geopolitical and ethnic distinctions around the world and in post-colonial communities.
  7. Identify the defining characteristics of an intervention philosophy.
  8. Discuss the broad defining characteristics of communism and socialism.
  9. Describe how the world system operates today and how the expansion of the world system and industrialization has entailed forms of genocide, ethnocide, and ecocide.
  10. Explain what global climate change is, as well as how anthropologists study it.
  11. Describe the main focus of environmental anthropology and what challenges its participants face.
  12. Describe how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threatens the subsistence patterns and lifeways of indigenous peoples.
  13. Describe what distinguishes acculturation, its varying forms, and how contact among groups creates possibilities for the domination of one group by another.
  14. Discuss how religion may be a form of cultural domination, as well as how states may advance or discourage particular religious practices.
  15. Discuss what cultural imperialism entails and how mass media and popular culture have been used to both promote and resist cultural imperialism.
  16. Identify the defining features of the modern world system.
  17. Describe postmodernity and discuss how it relates to the modern world system.
  18. Discuss the role of identity in indigenous politics, including the significance and political dimensions of notions of indigeneity and autochthony.

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