Read “Don Quixote” before answering the questions. Read pages 1048-1056.…

Complete this passage: ?For a knight-errant without a ______ is like a
tree without leaves or fruit and a body without a soul.?

A. Horse

B. King

C. Lady

D. Friend

2) What does Don Quixote decide to call the farm girl?

A. El Toboso

B. Aldonza Lorenzo

C. Senora de la Mancha

D. Dulcinea del Toboso

3) What does Don Quixote mistake the windmills for?

A. Giants

B. Knights

C. Ladies

D. Ships

4) What does Don Quixote name his horse?

A. Gonella

B. Sancho

C. Rocinante

D. Bucephalus

5) What caused Don Quixote to give up hunting and care of his estate?

A. The debt he owed to Sancho

B. His niece?s marriage

C. The reading of books on chivalry

D. Illness

6) In which passage does Don Quixote justify his battle against the windmills to Sancho?

A. ?Though you wield more arms than the giant Briareus, you shall pay for it!?

B. I think?and that is the truth?that the
same sage Friston who robbed me of my room and my books has turned those
giants into windmills, to cheat me of the glory of conquering them.

C. ?Nobody could mistake them, unless he had windmills on the brain.?

D. ?Don Quixote could not help smiling at
his squire?s simplicity,,and told him that hecould certainly complain
how and when he pleased, whether he had any cause or no ,for up to that
time he had never read anything to the contrary in the law of chivalry.?

7) Which passage shows Don Quixote?s reliance on tales of knights and chivalry while he is planning his adventure?

A. ?With their spoils we will begin to get
rich, for this is a fair war, and it is a great serviceto God to wipe
such a wicked brood from the face of the earth.?

B. ?If I for my sins or by good luck were
to meet with some giant hereabouts, as generally happens to knights
errant, and if I were to overthrow him in the encounter ??

C. ?In fact, now that he had utterly
wrecked his reason he fell into the strangest fancy that ever a madman
had in the whole world.?

D. At the mention of the donkey, Don
Quixote hesitated a little, racking his brains to remember whether any
knight-errant ever had a squire mounted on donkey back;

8) Which passage best describes Sancho, Don Quixote?s squire, during the time at which Don Quixote recruited him?

A. Sancho Panza rode on his donkey like a
patriarch, with his saddlebags and hisleather bottle, and a great desire
to see himself governor of the isle his master hadpromised him.

B. ?I must say, for my part, that I have
to cry out at the slightest twinge, unless this business of not
complaining extends to knights errants? squires as well.?

C. ?Sancho Panza rushed to his assistance
as fast as his donkey could trot, but when he came up he found that the
knight could not stir.?

D. A neighbor of his and an honest man?if a poor man may be called honest?but without much salt in his brainpan.

9) Which passage best illustrates Don Quixote?s inspiration to become a knight?

A. The reader must know, then, that this
gentle man, in the times when he had nothing to do?as was the case for
most of the year?gave himself up to the reading of books of

B. ?… it struck him that there was only one more thing to do: to find a lady to be enamored of.

C. ?He thought it fit and proper, both in
order to increase his renown and to serve the state, to turn
knight-errant and travel through the world with horse and armor in
search of adventures??

D. ?At that moment they caught sight of some thirty or forty windmills??

10) Which passage best illustrates Don Quixote?s ideas about how a courageous knight should behave?

A. ?Do not fly, cowards, vile creatures, for it is one knight alone who assails you.?

B. ?Matters of war are more subject than most to continual change??

C. And if I do not complain of the pain, it is because a knight-errant is not allowed to complain of any wounds.

D. ?… I intend to do such deeds with it
that you may consider yourself most fortunate to have won the right to
see them. For you will witness things which will scarcely be credited.?

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