1. It is essential to understand the development of one?s own industry in context of the factors that drove change in the past. These may also be some of the same factors that will continue to drive change in the future.

    Based on the business plan you created in MBA 560: Marketing and Strategy, describe the impact of those factors of change identified in your discussion posting this week. Identify key obstacles/opportunities that necessitated the changes and the nature of changes made in the related industry. The assessment should include a section on both the enabling factors and the inhibiting factors that drove the change. The force field analysis technique can be used to help illustrate this concept. The related article and video in the module resources can help you with this concept.

    This assignment will help you complete Milestone One, which is due in Module Three.

    For additional details, please refer to the Module One Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.

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