Strategic Human Resources & Recruitment

5?7 slides title and reference slides; Speaker notes 200?250 words/slide

In your own words, develop a recruitment strategy for the warehouse

associate position for Sahara Oasis, which includes the use of the

Internet. This information must be presented to the Vice President (VP)

of Human Resources (HR) in a PowerPoint slide presentation for her


Using CTU Library resources and the course text and materials,
research e-recruiting and create a presentation that addresses the

  • Specifically, which e-recruiting media and methods would you recommend, and why?
  • How would you use these methods to market the job to potential
    candidates? How will you differentiate and position the job in the job
  • What legal considerations must be taken into account with Internet-based recruitment programs?
  • In addition to e-recruiting, briefly discuss what other methods you would consider, and why.
  • From a business finance/accounting perspective, how would you
    analyze and measure the effectiveness of your recruitment strategy? What
    economic conditions might be considered?

Provide a reference list at the end of your presentation of at least 5
CTU Library articles, and include in-text citations for the articles in
APA format.

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