QUESTION: Contact representatives of three security organizations by any method (phone, email, face-to-face). Ask them what their top legal concerns on the job are. Specifics are needed to earn FULL POINTS!

This must be original work! Please no plagiarism.

Here is an example of the essay page. It should be in this precise format:

(The abstract is believed by many to be the most important paragraph in the paper. It is a brief summary of overview of the essay content. Typically 150 to 250 words and do not exceed that number.It should be written in clear and concise language and non judgmental ? objective as to contents only)

(Abstract is on a single page and separate from cover and introductory pages)

(Introduce the problem)
(The term ?introduction? should not be used, rather a short statement identifying the problem you intend to examine in the essay.This section should contain information as to the importance of the problems and the particular thesis statement ? what you intend to present and why. This is usually an examination of the literature relevant to the problem)

(Literature review or discussion)
(Once the topic is chosen it is necessary to conduct research in the academic, peer reviewed, journals and locate 5 journal articles that relate to your topic of interest. These articles must be from academic journals. An easy way to tell if it is a journal article is whether or not there is an abstract. If there is an abstract then it will count for a journal article. Each article needs to be listed on a reference page using one of the following methods (APA only). Once you have selected your articles you will need to read them and paraphrase how others have studied the topic. If you use the popular literature, newspapers, magazines, the non peer reviewed internet they will not be sufficient to meet minimum standards for this assignment)

(The conclusion should not include the word but must relate to how the introduction was supported by the evidence presented in the discussion. This aspect of the essay may be reduced to a single paragraph but more than one may also be appropriate)

(separate page and APA style requires they be double spaced and properly formatted)

Publications Manual . (2010). American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: APA


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