Reading Discussion: 2nd 8 Week Book Choice
Questions for This Is Our Story
- Who do you think killed Grant at the moment? Why?
- How did you react to the reveal that Shep had been the one to text Kate and not Grant? How does that change your view of Kate’s reaction to the River Point Boys?
- What do you make of the River Point Boys’ tension within their group? At first, they appear as one cohesive unit, friends, brothers in arms so to speak, as the story moves along, they start to drift apart and isolate themselves. What does this say about peer pressure and how secrets work?
- It the budding relationship between Kate and Shep compelling? Are you interested in the romance? Does their relationship make the murder mystery more urgent to solve for you? Does it help or hinder the other workings and machinations in the novel?
( This Is Our Story)
Week 12 Discussion: TED Talk 10
- What is the speaker’s main argument? Or what is his thesis?
- Name at least 3 specific examples/pieces of evidence he uses to support his argument?
- What was the biggest takeaway that you had from this video? What interested you the most?
- What kind of evidence/stories is Mooallem telling his audience in the speech?
- How does Mooallem organize his speech? In connection with Question 4, when does this evidence show up in her speech? When does he give that evidence? Is the placement of the evidence successful? Is there any pattern you can discern or figure out from where he places those pieces of specific evidence?
- What is Mooallem’s purpose? What does he want from his audience?
- What is Mooallem’s tone? Is his tone successful in connecting with his audience?
- What examples of ethos, pathos, or logos does Junger use in his speech? Are they effective or not?
(TED Talk) this folder is for TED Talk
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