Respond to a colleague’s post by suggesting one alternative advantage or disadvantage of their chosen existing instrument of measurement. Explain why your suggestions have value. Please use the resources to support your answer.

Response to Cindy

The existing measurement instrument that I identified in the first discussion was oral histories. After reading a very short article by Gottman and Krokoff, where they wanted to investigate into the prediction of divorce in couples by utilizing oral history interviews. When compared to the type and design of the utilizing the instrument, I feel there is something missing. Even though the article states that the interviewer needs to be digging deeper into the the subjective world of the couple being interviewed (Gottman & Krokoff, 2011).
I would revise my design in accordance to my clients reports of having family conflict and now with depression and anxiety. My revision would be utilizing client logs instead since this is an ascribed description of the issues at hand. An advantage of using client logs is beneficial rather than just sticking to the oral description of the conflict but client logs will provide an on going description of the individuals thoughts or emotions, but also a description of the events that are causing the problem. The intensity or the length that certain events are occurring can also be recorded for further investigation and understanding (Yegidis, Weinbach, & Myers, 2018). A disadvantage I feel with client logs is that while they are a further account into the emotions regarding the events that have occurred, this is still information acquired directly from the client and has a potential to be fabricated to steer the researcher in the wanted direction and not the true direction.

Gottman, J.M. & Krokoff, L. (2011). Oral History Interview. Retrieved from

Yegidis, B.L., Weinbach, R.W., & Myers, L.L.(2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

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