I need to respond to this in 300-400 words in A.P.A. format with 2 scholary sources

Locking people up does not begin to solve the problem of street crime. A local judge once said, To put a man behind walls to protect society and then not try to change him is to win a battle and lose a war. We take on a burden when we put a man behind walls, and that burden is to give him a chance to change. If we deny him that, we deny his status as a human being, and to deny that is to diminish our owns humanity and plant the seeds of future anguish for ourselves (Judge, J.K. Nichols, 2000).

What we’re talking about is Change: “The real punishment of prisoners begins when they return to society.” Inmates who have been incarcerated face many problems upon release. They face problems some neighbors accepting them as ex-cons, with financial, employment, personal including family.

Evaluation of Prerelease Programs:

“Reentry involves the use of programs targeted at promoting the effective reintegration of offenders back into communities upon release from prison and jail. Reentry programming which often involves a comprehensive case management approach, is intended to assist offenders in acquiring the life skills needed to succeed in the community and become law abiding citizens” (U.S. Dept. of Justice). Reentry is an integral component in Corrections because it is the vehicle for reducing soaring high rates of recidivism and therefore increasing public safety which provides for the public welfare. This is accomplished when offenders stay out of prison and are employed. Those who do not recidivate provide cost savings and those employed pay taxes which contributes to the tax base. This is being law abiding and productive citizen. This is successful reentry (www.corrections.com).

According to (www.corrections.com), The best reentry models incorporate a two component program (facility and community based) that consists of three phases. First, the offender receives while incarcerated such as instructions in Life Skills, Anger Management, Employment/Vocational Training and Cognitive Restructuring. The second phase is community based programs designed to assist in initial reentry into the community such as housing assistance, finding employment and treatment referrals or educational guidance (www.corrections.com). The third phase programs are implemented long-term to permanently reintegrate the offender into their community.

These services are designed to provide continuation of support with employment, employers and treatment providers for needed follow up. In this phase programs are implemented long-term to permanently reintegrate the offender into their community. These services are designed to providers for needed follow up (www.corrections.com).


CRS (Congressional Research Services) Report for Congress, 2008. Offender Rentry: Correctional Statistics, Reintegration Into the Community, and Recidivism.

Little, Gregory L. Ed. D., Robinson, Kenneth D. Ed., Burnette, Katherine, D. M.S., Swan, Stephan E., M. ED., Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Review. Twenty-Year Recivism Results for MRT-Treated Offenders.

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Progams. Reentry. Retrieved 5/15/11 from www.reentry.gov//learn.html

(Judge, J.K. Nichols, 2000)

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