Written Assignment 2: Digital Media Literacy

Written Assignment 2: Digital Media Literacy

For this paper you will draw on your knowledge of content pedagogy to assess how the following six factors associated with online reading could impact how you plan and teach lessons that utilize digital media literacy.

1. locating information with a search engine,
2. questioning credibility of information,
3.confirming credibility of information,
4. identifying main ideas from a single online resource
5. synthesizing information across multiple online resources,
6. communicating a justified, source-based position.

This paper must:
– Be at a minimum 3 double spaced pages and a reference page, Times New Roman, 12 pt font,
-Use the most recent APA format
– Reflect graduate-level language usage, conventions, and content
-Provide specific, and if necessary, cited research to support your assertations
– Adhere to any additional requirements set-forth by the course instructor

Here is the article that discusses the six factors in-depth: a link to the full text can also be found in the overview for this module.

Reading to learn from online information: Modeling the factor Structure. July 2018, Journal of Literacy Research

  • DOI: 10.1177/1086296X18784640


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