I will give you two paragraphs that are not related to each other and I want you to paraphrase them and please try to not change on the concept just paraphrase the words.

First paragraph:

Open loop, or manual tuning, uses information gathered while the controller is in manual mode to determine tuning parameters. The resulting tuning parameters calculated from Kc, Tc, and ?c are determined by the tuning scheme chosen. See Table 1 for correlations.It is important to note that Kc is a unitless number. If the PV is measured directly it must be normalized using the maximum range for the PV. See sample calculations in Appendix A for an example. Also, note that in this study, the parameters entered in the controller are Proportional Band, Reset, and Rate, not Kc, Ti, and Td [3]. These are related by Equations 2-4.

Second paragraph:

Closed loop tuning is done while the controller is actively running. Many closed tuning methods are some variation of guess and check. In the Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) method, integral time and derivative time are set to zero, while proportional gain is slowly increased and proportional band is decreased until the PV starts to oscillate. The proportional gain corresponding to when the oscillation starts is the ultimate gain, Ku and the period of the oscillations is ultimate time Tu. These are then used in tuning schemes given in Table 1 to determine tuning parameters proportional gain, reset, and rate.

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