
Link to the video!:

25 questions listed below:

The hypothesis inferred from watching the video “Merchants of Cool” was:


Please list the experiments observed in the video “Merchants of Cool”:


The sample populations described in the experiments observed in “Merchants of Cool” were:


The independent variables studied in the documentary were:


The dependent variables studied in the documentary were:


The intervening events inferred by occurrence of the dependent variable were:


The Unconditioned stimulus described in the documentary was:


The Unconditioned response described in the documentary was:


The Conditioned stimulus described in the documentary was:


The Conditioned response described in the documentary was:


The deprivation state described in the documentary was:


The satiation state described in the documentary was:


The most general rule learned during classical conditioning is:


The most general rule learned during operant conditioning is:


The primary actor during classical conditioning (the agent of change) is:


The primary actor during operant conditioning is:


The aspect of the information processing model discussed in video-lecture and text (learning and

memory) the topics described in “cool hunting” attempt to exploit are:


The model described in video-lecture and in text concerned with Piaget suggests the subjects in the video “merchants of cool” are experiencing the developmental level of learning and cognition called:


The model described in video-lecture and in text concerned with Erikson suggests the subjects in the video “merchants of cool” are experiencing the level of psychosocial development called:


Please write a paragraph that supports your answers to 18 and 19. Please provide page numbers that accomplish this task in BOLD.


Using information from the video-lectures and text, please provide a list of instructions that you would use to instruct someone on how to complete this assignment:


Using information from the video-lectures and text, please provide a list of mental processes you deployed to complete this assignment:


The state the organism must be in prior to engaging intervening events is:


The state the organism must be in to signal occurrence of proper execution of intervening events is:


Please write a paragraph explaining how information describing factors that alter the internal state of the participant were manipulated to alter behavior and mental processes observed in the presentation: be specific.

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