Question 11 pts
What is the National Science Foundation Grant number that funded this project?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 21 pts
How many valid cases were recorded for Within Group Gossip?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 31 pts
If you subtracted the number of participants from Sweden from the number from Canada, what number would you get? AND which country would that represent? (format as #, Country)
Flag this QuestionQuestion 41 pts
What was the percentage of individuals who reported Within Group Gossip?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 51 pts
How many respondents reported receiving a demotion? (report as percentage)
Flag this QuestionQuestion 61 pts
How many separate books were the cases derived from for this research?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 71 pts
What is the percent of male ethnographers? (report as percentage)
Flag this QuestionQuestion 81 pts
What is the second highest most frequent value for De-Briefer? (report as a whole number)
Flag this QuestionQuestion 91 pts
Which US state was the most represented in this set of studies?
Flag this QuestionQuestion 101 pts
Which group type downloaded the dataset the most?
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