
The following are the results of Pat’s psychological tests.

NEO-PI-R(a personality model developed from Costa & McCrae’s Five Factor Model in which a 55 and above is a high score, 45–54 is average, and 44 and below is low).

Neuroticism = 75
Extraversion = 32
Openness = 35
Agreeableness = 41
Conscientiousness = 50

MMPI-2 (an atheoretical test of personality for clinical populations in which 65 is clinically elevated)

Validity Scales: No threats to validity.

Hypochondriasis: 55
Depression: 61
Hysteria: 57
Psychopathic Deviate: 45
Masculinity/Femininity:  32
Paranoia: 68
Psychastenia: 40
Schizophrenia: 75
Hypomania: 51
Social Introversion: 68

Last week, you noticed that Pat’s results on the MMPI-2 included elevated scores on the scales for paranoia and schizophrenia. Previously, she refused to discuss prior hospitalizations and health. However, this week she is ready to talk:

“Well, I guess we are not strangers anymore. I told you before I was in the hospital and the last time was when I was 31. I was not in there for body aches. I was there because people thought I was crazy. I’m a bit better now because I am in treatment. I have my moments when things are really bad. For example, I would hear voices—sometimes I thought it was God, and I could hear Him just like I hear you. Other times I would have the television turned off but it would be talking to me anyway. I even started thinking my neighbors were poisoning my tap water, so I stopped showering and drinking. I got hospitalized because I was sure that God and my neighbors were working together to hurt me so they could put me in prison.”

Pat stops a moment to catch her breath, and you notice that her arms are twitching a little. As you think back, you realize she has done that a lot since you have been getting to know her. “Like I said, I only get that bad once in a while when I am not on my medication. However, I still sometimes hear things that aren’t there or worry that people are out to get me even with the treatment. It’s just less.”

For this assignment, focus on the social-cultural factors that affect Pat’s behavior.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Imagine you are an intern at a clinic that has been asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation about Pat’s case.
  • Consider how Pat’s social-cultural factors affect her diagnosis and treatment for paranoid schizophrenia.

Submit by Day 7 a PowerPoint presentation of 2–3 slides explaining Pat’s diagnosis from a biopsychosocial perspective. p


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