To view the video: merchants of cool.
This video extends information to our discussions in class and to the lecture I provided for the notes concerned with learning earlier this week. Also, this video addresses topics from chapter 2 and discussions concerning science covered in class and in the Zimbardo videos.
You can type your answers into the following areas. Please make a file on your computer that you can save this and other assignments into for collection at a later date. Do not remove the questions. This assignment worth up to 20 points credit and includes extra credit. This assignment should be complete by Friday. Store as a PDF.
- The sample population described in Merchants of Cool is:
- How was Informed consent granted in Merchants of Cool
- The independent variables studied in the documentary are:
- The dependent variables studied in the documentary were:
- With respect to the classical learning theory discussed in class:
- The Unconditioned stimulus described in the documentary was:
- The Unconditioned response described in the documentary was:
- The Conditioned stimulus described in the documentary was:
- The Conditioned response described in the documentary was:
- The deprivation state described in the documentary was:
- The satiation state described in the documentary was:
- The 6 primary categories of Unconditioned stimulus-Unconditioned Response pairings (unconditioned behaviors/reflexes) discussed in class are:
- The most general rule learned during classical conditioning is:
- The most general rule learned during operant conditioning is:
- The primary causal actor during classical conditioning is (the agent of change):
- The primary causal actor during operant conditioning is:
- Examples of trial and Error learning in the video were:
- The aspects of the information processing model discussed in class (learning,
- The psychological variable inferred to have occurred in the control group of Pavlovs dogs when they salivated different amounts to the knock and food is:
- The state the organism must be in for learning to occur during classical/operant conditioning is:
- The state the organism must be in for learning to be complete during classical/operant conditioning is:
- The event(s)/behavior(s) executed by the animals in Pavlov/Skinner models discussed in class that suggest occurrence of a subjective state are:
- Prior to the execution of a behavior the organism must make a: _____ about their state.
- What event provides the meaning that elicits learning behaviors towards the UCS described in class?
- What event provides the meaning that elicits learning behaviors towards the CS described in class?
- The two psychological variables manipulated to support the relationship between the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus are:
- How can MIND be used to explain the results in Pavlovs experiment?
Memory and cognition) manipulated by the cool hunters to attempt to exploit behavior were? and why?
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