
2 Parts to this question

Part 1: ANCOVA in SPSS


Earlier this week, you practiced using ANCOVA
models with SPSS and, ideally, used the Collaboration Lab to ask,
answer, and otherwise address any questions you had. In this Assignment,
you apply what you learned to answer a social research question using
ANCOVA. Hopefully, you are not yet tired of comparing means!

To prepare

  • Review the datasets provided.
  • Construct a research question based on one of those datasets.
  • Pay attention to the assumptions of this test, and ask, “Does it make sense to interpret the mean of this dependent variable?”

The Assignment

Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Write an analysis in APA format, including title page,
references, and an appendix, that includes your data output and addresses each of the tasks listed below. The content should be 2–3
pages, including setup of the assignment, results, and interpretation of results. Your SPSS output should be included as an appendix.

  1. What is the null hypothesis for your question?
  2. What research design(s) would align with this question?
  3. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?
  4. What independent variable is used and how is it measured?
  5. What is your covariate?
  6. What is the answer to your research question?
  7. What are the possible implications of social change?

Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the General Social Survey Dataset, report the mean of Age. If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES. See pages 713 and 714 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of an ANCOVA.

Part 2: Article Critique


The practice of quantitative research not only
involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the
understanding of statistical techniques related to real-world
applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use
statistical methods in your profession but as a consumer, citizen, and
scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical
the consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and
evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily

For this Assignment, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to ANCOVA.

To prepare

  • Review the Article Critique Assignment Guide in the Walden Library, listed in the Week 2 Learning Resources.
  • Search the Walden Library for a quantitative article that applies ANCOVA.

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page critique of the research you found in the Walden Library that includes responses to the following prompts:

  • Why did the authors select ANCOVA in the research?
  • Do you think this test was the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
  • Did the authors display the results in a figure or table?
  • Does the results table stand alone? In other words, are you able to interpret the study from it? Why or why not?

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