Module 4 Assignment: Identity & Community
MR4 Final Due Date: Fri, June 15th at 11:45PM.
Worth: 5%
Minimum Word Count: 700 words Maximum Word Count: 800 words
For scholars, the selfie phenomenon represents a paradox. As an object, the selfie lends itself to cultural scorn and shaming. As a cultural practice, however, selfie circulation grows by the moment, moving far beyond the clichéd understanding of bored teenagers sharing narcissistic tendencies online. Selfies have come under considerable scrutiny and debate – ranging from discussions about ego-centric acts to empowering forms of self-expression that build local and global community. (Senft 2014)
For this module response assignment, you will be asked to select a popular Selfie as a case study for critical discussion. Ideally, this will be a Selfie that has received a lot of attention, and has been discussed and debated in the media – for whatever reason.
The Selfie artifact should be one that can provide a rich academic analysis and discussion about the fluid social boundaries of ‘egocentric’ and ’empowering’. The paper will provide some context and description of the Selfie that is selected in the introduction, and then critically analyze how the case study could be examined as an ego-centric act and/or (not both) an empowering form of self-expression – depending on context, the social location of the ‘viewer” – different people interpret and experience things differently. Discuss and theorize the social significance of Selfies, and how Selfies can build (or dismantle) local and global community. The paper MUST use academic sources for this discussion and analysis, otherwise it is simply opinion and description (which is not what is asked for).
You must follow the parameters of what constitutes a “Selfie”: “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media” (dictionary meaning). This means that your photo/Selfie artifact:
-will not be a video
-will not be a photo of someone taking a Selfie of themselves (or a group of people)
-will not be a photo that is a portrait of someone (in which someone else is taking the photo)
Important Notes:
- The ‘tone’ is academic and more ‘formal’; avoid first person, watch your vocabulary – do not be conversational, do not use contractions.
- You must include a link to the Selfie you have selected in your Reference list (check how to format this entry properly in APA).
- Your MR4 response must include at least three of the module four Required Readings, and at least one additional outside academic source (four sources in total). The link to the Selfie is not considered the outside academic source.
- You are required to stay within the minimum and maximum word count, or you will be penalized .5 (half a mark).
- Do not provide descriptive opinions and speculations, make succinct arguments that are supported by research and literature.
- Double space your submission. Please pay attention to your writing style: grammar and punctuation matter. Have someone proofread your work. Your responses must have an introduction, body/discussion, and conclusion. Response submissions should not be one paragraph. No need for title pages, or running header this assignment.
- Properly cite and reference any readings that you use in APA format. Submissions that do not cite and reference material properly will not be accepted and will result in a zero. This means, if nothing is cited in your submission – it will not be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are meeting university standards for academic writing, regardless of what your home department is.
- Do not use any direct quotes in your module submissions – Instead, rephrase and cite properly. You will be penalized .5 (half a mark) if you use direct quotes. Paraphrase and cite properly (this is a learned skill).
- Please name your M4R file properly with course number, last name, and assignment name. For example: 2F00YourLastNameM4R.doc
How to submit this assignment:
- Go to Assignments on Sakai.
- Click M4R and and click ?Add Attachments?. The file must be a .doc file, or a .pdf file. (Note: If you are using a Mac, you can convert a Pages document into a word .doc file by going to the menu bar and choosing: ?File? ? ?Export?? ?Word?).
- Files that cannot open and/or incorrect files will receive a grade of 0.
- We will not be tracking down assignments: you must submit properly, on-time.
- Check and double check to ensure that the file is attached and is the correct file. After submitting, definitely review your submission so you can see/confirm the file.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that you have uploaded your file into Sakai. You have a maximum of five re-submission attempts BEFORE the deadline passes.
- Late assignments are not accepted and will receive a grade of 0.
- Assignments sent via e-mail will receive a grade of 0.
- Do not wait until the last ten minutes to submit your module response.
- Technological issues (ie my laptop froze at 11:44pm) are not grounds for extensions. You MUST have the appropriate (and reliable) technology to take this course – and throughout the duration of the course, and you must plan your time effectively.
- This assignment is not ‘complete’ until it has successfully been submitted to Sakai before the deadline. Do not email screen shots ‘proving’ the assignment was done before the deadline in hopes it will be accepted – it’s not done until it is submitted electronically to the right place in Sakai.
M4R Grading Rubric
The M4R Grading Rubric is included here in order to help you formulate your submission.
-the Selfie artifact is a true Selfie
-provides some context and description of the selected Selfie in the introduction
-uses academic research to critically analyze selected Selfie as ego-centric act and/or empowering form of self-expression
-discusses/theorizes the social significance of Selfies
-discusses/theorizes how Selfies can build (or dismantle) local and global community
-includes at least three of M4 Required Readings to support analysis
-includes at least one additional outside academic source to support analysis
Writing Style & Referencing
-presents discussion in an academic/formal manner
-cites sources properly according to APA format
-provides a properly APA formatted reference list of cited sources.
-flows well organizationally with clear writing style & proper tone; introduction, body with supporting evidence, and conclusion.
-presents discussion free of typos, and free of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and paragraph structure errors.
-includes a link to the Selfie in the reference list (and properly formatted)
-tone is academic/formal; vocabulary is appropriate to analysis
Framework of Grading
Incomplete 50s D
Submission is missing key components of the assignment guidelines.
Inaccuracies 60s C
Submission does not follow assignment guidelines or requirements.
Needs Work 70s B
Submission mostly follows requirements, but has areas that need improvement (ie depth of analysis).
Meets Criteria 80s A
Submission follows guidelines and meets all assignment requirements in a coherent way. There are no grammatical/writing issues; citing and referencing done correctly.
Exceeds Expectations 90 A
Submission reflects a level of analysis that goes beyond what is expected at a second year course level.
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