Change can be stressful, enlightening, dramatic or transformational, depending upon the circumstances. Locate a story about change in your professional field. Answer the following questions about the change:

  • Describe the banking professional field in an introduction paragraph.
  • What was the change story?
  • Of the change lessons outlined in the Managing Organizational Change textbook, which of these lessons were present? Which ones were absent?
  • Was any of the information useful for facing future changes in which you might be involved? If so, how are the lessons were transferable? If not, why aren?t the lessons transferable?

Technical Requirements:

  • Develop a 2-3 page essay (title and reference pages do not count in the 2-3 page requirement).
  • Support your major points with citations from course materials and outside sources. Describe your personal experiences, but support any analysis or interpretation with substantiation from credible sources. To complete this assignment, citation of a minimum of three scholarly references other than the course textbook is required.
  • Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should be formatted with double spacing, citations, title page, reference page, and errorless APA formatting.

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