Overview: For this milestone, you will draft stakeholder communication and change messages to your change-management plan. You should focus on the style of communication that is most effective for each stakeholder group and develop commensurate, culturally responsive communication approaches. You should also consider how to form messages that need to communicate transparently and promote collaboration in the change effort.

Prompt: You are the manager of the medical records department of a small community hospital. It has recently come to light that employees in your department regularly access confidential personal and medical information about people they know that is not relevant to their jobs and use it for their own personal information. In addition, they are sharing this information by gossiping about it with coworkers. You found this out when a patient?s attorney contacted the hospital alleging that his client?s confidential information was made public in regard to her child?s summer day-camp application. It seems that, due to cultural and religious reasons, the child?s mother has chosen not to immunize her children. A recent outbreak of mumps in the area has people on alert, and, not understanding the cultural and religious implications of the mother?s choice, the community?s reaction upon finding this out has been strong. The day camp did not admit the child, and the family is being ostracized from community activities as well as social interactions. You find yourself in the position of needing to address this enterprise-wide breach of ethical practice and understanding as well as needing to develop personal and professional development plans for employees who retain their jobs.

Using the scenario, continue drafting the change-management plan that will address this ethical lapse by analyzing the relevant stakeholders and creating change messages.

I. Stakeholders A. Describe the key stakeholders of the change-management plan, substantiating your identifications. Why are the individuals or groups you described stakeholders? B. Analyze the anticipated responses to the change (such as their main concerns, level of support, etc.) of key stakeholders who will be affected by the plan. C. Describe the communication styles that you feel would be most effective for each stakeholder group, and substantiate your choices. D. Develop culturally responsive communication approaches for each stakeholder group based on the previously identified preferred style of communication. Note that you are not drafting a message at this point; you are simply developing an approach for how you would communicate to your stakeholders.

II. Change Messages: Craft the key messages needed to communicate transparently and promote collaboration in the change effort. Be sure to create messages that do the following: A. Transparently communicate to the stakeholder groups what will be gained and lost through this change. B. Take the stakeholders? perspective into consideration, addressing their main concerns and cultural requirements.

Your instructor will provide feedback on this milestone with specific aim to provide feedback on the communication approaches to stakeholders and the communication of messages to facilitate the change.

For more information, see the Final Project Part I Guidelines and Rubric document. Your final project will be assessed, in part, according to the extent to which you have incorporated instructor feedback from your rough drafts.

Guidelines for Submission: Your rough draft should be 1 to 2 pages in length and should follow APA formatting including double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

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