You have up to now learned a lot about leading and managing people in organizations during the MBA program including classes and executive guest speakers (optional and invited, some videos available online) experiences. In the end we would like you to synthesize all the knowledge and integrate into YOUR OWN style of leading and managing people, based on your personality, beliefs, strengths and weaknesses. Write a one page post here to elaborate on FIVE key leadership lessons that you have learned from the MBA program that fit your style and you plan to incorporate into your future career.

Please note that this is intended to be an integrative exercise that distills your whole MBA learning experience regarding leadership lessons. You do not need to specifically relate to the contents learned in this class. It is essential you explain how you can you synthesize these lessons and adapt them into your own leadership style rather than just summarize the lessons from others, because different people have different styles that work best for them.,, and in the down some of class which i took it maybe gonna help you

ACCT 560 Accounting for Business Managers 3
ECON 562 Macroeconomics Analysis and Public Policy 1.5
ECON 563 Managerial Economics 1.5
FINC 560 Corporate Financial Decision Making 1.5
FINC 561 Investments for Managers 1.5
INBS 561 Emerging Trends in Global Markets 1.5
INFO 561 Applied Business Statistics 1.5
INFO 562 Management Science in Business 1.5
INFO 563 Strategic Information Systems 3
INFO 564 Operations and Supply Change Management 1.5
MGMT 561 Achieving Competitive Advantage 1.5
MGMT 562 Organizational Behavior 1.5
MGMT 565 Project Management 1.5
MGMT 566 Negotiation in the Workplace 1.5
MGMT 567 Managing the Multi-Business Firm 1.5
MKTG 561 Applied Marketing Management 1.5
MKTG 562 Market Analysis and Customer Insight 1.5
MKTG 563 Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility 1.5

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