DiscussionTopicThe phrasetext comprehensionis probably a little ambiguous. When I read the title Ithink of understanding a bodyoflanguage in print like a textbook. Do you share myunderstanding or does it mean something entirely differentforyou?Well let’s see howourdiscussion goes.Text messagingis an interesting phenomenon. Inone sense youarelimited in the number of characters that can be sent in asingle textmessage, so many have developed different conventions and shortcuts(e.g., emojis,abbreviations, etc)to convey more information in a text (though I have started to noticethat with most people having unlimited texting that they will just send multiple texts thatindividually have nowhere near the character limit).However, sometimes“comprehension” of such messages is affected.Yourchapter activityis to create an experiment (youDO NOTactually need to conductthe experiment, but can to really impress me) that tests some aspect oftextcomprehensionusingtextmessaging.Please do not propose a replication of a previousstudy.Theparametersfor your experimentare wide open(except for the variable ofAge–doNOT use AGE as a variable).The best experiments (as determined by me)will earn 2x the credit normally earned. That is, there may be extra credit availablebeyond a single student. So be creative, precise,andclearregarding your experiment andensure your submission iswell written.
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